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The Silly Ones and the Stupid Ones (2014)

Movies Detail of The Silly Ones and the Stupid Ones (2014)

✓ Title : The Silly Ones and the Stupid Ones
✓ Original Title : Los tontos y los estúpidos
✓ Release Date : October 3rd, 2014
✓ Runtime : 91 minutes
✓ Director : Roberto Castón
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : Aitor Beltrán, Josean Bengoetxea, Dayana Contreras, Gregory Brossard, Nausicaa Bonnín

Synopsis of The Silly Ones and the Stupid Ones (2014)

A group of movie professionals go into a studio to, over a single day, read / test/ count / live the story of 'The Silly Ones and The Stupid Ones'. Sitting around a table and following the directions of the director, the actors show us the evolution of the creating process and how the characters through the trials, indications, lighting or props, that at first were just a story captured on a script becomes a film, in cinema, the great optical illusion, the visual lies that allows us to enjoy the stories we see on the screen.

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Well, The Silly Ones and the Stupid Ones (2014) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Silly Ones and the Stupid Ones (2014) itselft directed by Roberto Castón and Starring by Aitor Beltrán, Josean Bengoetxea, Dayana Contreras, Gregory Brossard, Nausicaa Bonnín which made The Silly Ones and the Stupid Ones (2014) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Silly Ones and the Stupid Ones (2014)

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