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Imposible para una solterona (1976)

Movies Detail of Imposible para una solterona (1976)

✓ Title : Imposible para una solterona
✓ Release Date : January 26th, 1976
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama
✓ Runtime : 80 minutes
✓ Directors : Rafael Romero Marchent, Rodolfo Medina, Lucía Martín
✓ Writers : Santiago Moncada, Luisa Maria Linares
✓ Company : Lotus Films
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : José Luis Lespe, Rafael Vaquero, Pilar Otero, Cecilia Fernández, Juan Luis Galiardo, Mara Cruz, Cris Huerta, Emilio Mellado, Lina Morgan, Fernando Fernán Gómez

Synopsis of Imposible para una solterona (1976)

Gina is a single woman with a good job. From very attractive features, its beauty shines it should not because of their excess weight. Her boyfriend decides to leave her and from that moment her life is shrouded in sadness and monotony. Everything changes when he bursts into her life a very handsome young man called Luis. But it's intentions are not clear, Gina must discover the reasons that really move her wooer ...

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Well, Imposible para una solterona (1976) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Imposible para una solterona (1976) itselft directed by Rafael Romero Marchent, Rodolfo Medina, Lucía Martín and Starring by José Luis Lespe, Rafael Vaquero, Pilar Otero, Cecilia Fernández, Juan Luis Galiardo, Mara Cruz, Cris Huerta, Emilio Mellado, Lina Morgan, Fernando Fernán Gómez which made Imposible para una solterona (1976) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Imposible para una solterona (1976)

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