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Promoted (2015)

Movies Detail of Promoted (2015)

✓ Title : Promoted
✓ Release Date : August 25th, 2015
✓ Cast : Estelle Harris, Aries Spears, Justine Wachsberger, Claire Gordon-Harper, Clint Jung, Marty Ingels, Chrisanne Eastwood, Stephen Cloud, Cody Longo, Samm Levine

Synopsis of Promoted (2015)

Jacob and his best friend Alex thought they were on their way to earning one of LA's most highly celebrated advertising accounts. That is, until the villainous and manipulative Marissa enters the picture, doing everything in her power to win the promotion for herself, while seducing Jacob into a romantic relationship. Then, enter into the equation a horny lesbian receptionist, a mentally challenged building custodian, a crazy Chinese boss, Jacob's demented grandmother and sexually perverted grandfather, a gay gangsta rapper, and an assortment of other wacky characters. All chaos ensues, as Jacob must somehow come up with a way to save his career, salvage his friendship, and figure out who his true loyalties lie towards in the love department.

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Well, Promoted (2015) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Promoted (2015) itselft directed by and Starring by Estelle Harris, Aries Spears, Justine Wachsberger, Claire Gordon-Harper, Clint Jung, Marty Ingels, Chrisanne Eastwood, Stephen Cloud, Cody Longo, Samm Levine which made Promoted (2015) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Promoted (2015)

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