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Grindsploitation (2016)

Movies Detail of Grindsploitation (2016)

✓ Title : Grindsploitation
✓ Release Date : July 1st, 2016
✓ Genres : Horror, Action, Crime
✓ Runtime : 140 minutes
✓ Directors : Robert Tinnell, Lloyd Kaufman, Caleb Emerson, Donald Farmer, Todd Sheets, Scarlet Fry, Alexander Emmert, Tommy Pistol, Shane Ryan, Nick Principe, Dustin Austen, Kapel Furman, Laume Conroy, Tony Masiello, Jason Impey, MJ Dixon, James Cullen Bressack, Jason Figgis, Evan Makrogiannis, Brandon Bassham, Peter Goddard, Dan Brownlie, Andy Edwards, Izzy Lee, James Atkins, Emir Skalonja, Martin Sonntag, Ruben Rodriguez, Reyna Young, Tony Newton, Chris Gierowski, Nicole McClure, Antoni McVay, Robert Peacock, Gary Baxter
✓ Writer : Martyn John Armstrong
✓ Countries : United States of America, United Kingdom
✓ Cast : Nathan Head, Bryan Hanna, Shawn C. Phillips, Sadie Katz, Lloyd Kaufman, Jessica Ann Brownlie, Nicola Fiore, Shane Ryan, Scarlet Fry, P.J. Soles

Synopsis of Grindsploitation (2016)

Exploitation anthology from the twisted minds of established and up and coming directors from across the globe.

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Well, Grindsploitation (2016) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Grindsploitation (2016) itselft directed by Robert Tinnell, Lloyd Kaufman, Caleb Emerson, Donald Farmer, Todd Sheets, Scarlet Fry, Alexander Emmert, Tommy Pistol, Shane Ryan, Nick Principe, Dustin Austen, Kapel Furman, Laume Conroy, Tony Masiello, Jason Impey, MJ Dixon, James Cullen Bressack, Jason Figgis, Evan Makrogiannis, Brandon Bassham, Peter Goddard, Dan Brownlie, Andy Edwards, Izzy Lee, James Atkins, Emir Skalonja, Martin Sonntag, Ruben Rodriguez, Reyna Young, Tony Newton, Chris Gierowski, Nicole McClure, Antoni McVay, Robert Peacock, Gary Baxter and Starring by Nathan Head, Bryan Hanna, Shawn C. Phillips, Sadie Katz, Lloyd Kaufman, Jessica Ann Brownlie, Nicola Fiore, Shane Ryan, Scarlet Fry, P.J. Soles which made Grindsploitation (2016) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Grindsploitation (2016)

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