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Corpus Christi (2020)

Movies Detail of Corpus Christi (2020)

✓ Title : Corpus Christi
✓ Original Title : Boże Ciało
✓ Release Date : January 9th, 2020
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 116 minutes
✓ Director : Jan Komasa
✓ Writers : Krzysztof Rak, Mateusz Pacewicz
✓ Companies : Aurum Film, Les Contes Modernes, WFS Walter Film Studio, ITI Neovision, Podkarpackie Film Commission, Canal+, PISF
✓ Country : Poland
✓ Cast : Aleksandra Konieczna, Zdzisław Wardejn, Łukasz Simlat, Leszek Lichota, Tomasz Ziętek, Bartosz Bielenia, Eliza Rycembel, Lidia Bogacz, Barbara Kurzaj, Anna Biernacik

Synopsis of Corpus Christi (2020)

A pious 20-year-old juvenile delinquent is sent to work at a sawmill in a small town; on arrival, he dresses up as a priest and accidentally takes over the local parish. The arrival of this young, charismatic preacher is an opportunity for the local community to begin the healing process after a tragedy that happened a year prior.

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Well, Corpus Christi (2020) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Corpus Christi (2020) itselft directed by Jan Komasa and Starring by Aleksandra Konieczna, Zdzisław Wardejn, Łukasz Simlat, Leszek Lichota, Tomasz Ziętek, Bartosz Bielenia, Eliza Rycembel, Lidia Bogacz, Barbara Kurzaj, Anna Biernacik which made Corpus Christi (2020) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Corpus Christi (2020)

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