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One Deadly Summer (1983)

Movies Detail of One Deadly Summer (1983)

✓ Title : One Deadly Summer
✓ Original Title : L'été meurtrier
✓ Release Date : May 11th, 1983
✓ Genres : Mystery, Drama
✓ Runtime : 130 minutes
✓ Director : Jean Becker
✓ Writer : Sébastien Japrisot
✓ Company : TF1 Films Production
✓ Country : France
✓ Cast : Alain Souchon, Evelyne Didi, François Cluzet, Jenny Clève, Suzanne Flon, Roger Carel, Jean Gaven, Maria Machado, Manuel Gélin, Isabelle Adjani

Synopsis of One Deadly Summer (1983)

In spring 1976, a 19-year-old beauty, her German-born mother, and her crippled father move to the town of a firefighter nicknamed Pin-Pon. Everyone notices the provocative Eliane. She singles out Pin-Pon and soon is crying on his shoulder (she's myopic and hates her reputation as a dunce and as easy); she moves in with him, knits baby clothes, and plans their wedding. Is this love or some kind of plot? She asks Pin-Pon's mother and aunt about the piano in the barn: who delivered it on a November night in 1955? Why does she want to know, and what does it have to do with her mother's sorrows, her father's injury, this quick marriage, and the last name on her birth certificate?

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Well, One Deadly Summer (1983) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The One Deadly Summer (1983) itselft directed by Jean Becker and Starring by Alain Souchon, Evelyne Didi, François Cluzet, Jenny Clève, Suzanne Flon, Roger Carel, Jean Gaven, Maria Machado, Manuel Gélin, Isabelle Adjani which made One Deadly Summer (1983) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

One Deadly Summer (1983)

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