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The Dead Zone (1983)

Movies Detail of The Dead Zone (1983)

✓ Title : The Dead Zone
✓ Release Date : October 21st, 1983
✓ Genres : Thriller, Horror, Science Fiction
✓ Runtime : 103 minutes
✓ Director : David Cronenberg
✓ Writers : Jeffrey Boam, Stephen King
✓ Companies : Paramount, Lorimar Film Entertainment, Dino De Laurentiis Company
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Tom Skerritt, Colleen Dewhurst, Nicholas Campbell, Martin Sheen, Herbert Lom, Brooke Adams, Christopher Walken, William B. Davis, Anthony Zerbe, Sean Sullivan

Synopsis of The Dead Zone (1983)

Johnny Smith is a schoolteacher with his whole life ahead of him but, after leaving his fiancee's home one night, is involved in a car crash which leaves him in a coma for 5 years. When he wakes, he discovers he has an ability to see into the past, present and future life of anyone with whom he comes into physical contact.

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Well, The Dead Zone (1983) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Dead Zone (1983) itselft directed by David Cronenberg and Starring by Tom Skerritt, Colleen Dewhurst, Nicholas Campbell, Martin Sheen, Herbert Lom, Brooke Adams, Christopher Walken, William B. Davis, Anthony Zerbe, Sean Sullivan which made The Dead Zone (1983) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Dead Zone (1983)

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