Movies Detail of Acts of God (2014)
✓ Title : Acts of God
✓ Release Date : February 24th, 2014
✓ Runtime : 107 minutes
✓ Director : Shane Sooter
✓ Writers : Shane Sooter, Ninie Hammon
✓ Cast : Kenda Benward, Lydia Boland, Angelo Perez, Constance Brenneman, Jordan DragonKing, Doris Morgado, Esperanza Catubig, Amelia Mann
✓ Release Date : February 24th, 2014
✓ Runtime : 107 minutes
✓ Director : Shane Sooter
✓ Writers : Shane Sooter, Ninie Hammon
✓ Cast : Kenda Benward, Lydia Boland, Angelo Perez, Constance Brenneman, Jordan DragonKing, Doris Morgado, Esperanza Catubig, Amelia Mann
Synopsis of Acts of God (2014)
A moment of crisis changes everything. One stormy night a sudden, shattering collision takes an innocent life. Now seven people find their paths intertwined by the accident and hard questions reflected in their own lives. Why do such tragedies occur? If God is good, why does He allow so much pain? As each of them struggle through the aftermath, threads of hope and faith and the support of close friends become the lifeline to a strength they could never find alone. Nationally esteemed pastor and author Bob Russell is featured as himself in a powerfully dramatic film that brings his teachings to vivid life.
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Well, Acts of God (2014) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Acts of God (2014) itselft directed by Shane Sooter and Starring by Kenda Benward, Lydia Boland, Angelo Perez, Constance Brenneman, Jordan DragonKing, Doris Morgado, Esperanza Catubig, Amelia Mann which made Acts of God (2014) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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