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Frau2 sucht HappyEnd (2001)

Movies Detail of Frau2 sucht HappyEnd (2001)

✓ Title : Frau2 sucht HappyEnd
✓ Release Date : January 11th, 2001
✓ Genre : Romance
✓ Runtime : 96 minutes
✓ Director : Edward Berger
✓ Writers : Edward Berger, Kevin Wotschke
✓ Countries : Switzerland, Germany
✓ Cast : Catrin Striebeck, Ben Becker, Michael Gwisdek, Uwe Kockisch, Sharon Brauner, Stefan Kurt, Nele Mueller-Stöfen, Isabella Parkinson, Hermine Huntgeburth, Sabrina Setlur

Synopsis of Frau2 sucht HappyEnd (2001)

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Well, Frau2 sucht HappyEnd (2001) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Frau2 sucht HappyEnd (2001) itselft directed by Edward Berger and Starring by Catrin Striebeck, Ben Becker, Michael Gwisdek, Uwe Kockisch, Sharon Brauner, Stefan Kurt, Nele Mueller-Stöfen, Isabella Parkinson, Hermine Huntgeburth, Sabrina Setlur which made Frau2 sucht HappyEnd (2001) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Frau2 sucht HappyEnd (2001)

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