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Lovers Beyond Time (1990)

Movies Detail of Lovers Beyond Time (1990)

✓ Title : Lovers Beyond Time
✓ Original Title : Εραστες ςτη µηχανη του χρονου
✓ Release Date : March 24th, 1990
✓ Genres : Science Fiction, Thriller, Romance
✓ Runtime : 85 minutes
✓ Director : Dimitris Panayiotatos
✓ Companies : Prooptiki, Greek Film Centre, EPT
✓ Country : Greece
✓ Cast : Benoit Roussel, Arto Apartian, Dimitris Poulikakos, Christine Skaza, Petros Kokosis, Takis Moschos, Nantia Deliyanni

Synopsis of Lovers Beyond Time (1990)

A fantasy film, featuring the weird relationship between attractive Sylvia and Angelos. The girl breaks up with him. Three years later she is married to a doctor and her life is upset by a series of unbelievable events, such as strange assassinations of her friends and her being inexplicably aroused, at the most inappropriate moments and occasions. This mysterious experiences stem from the presence of Angelos, who, having built a time-machine, wanders around in space-time, in order to eliminate those he sees as rivals and to make love to her.

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Well, Lovers Beyond Time (1990) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Lovers Beyond Time (1990) itselft directed by Dimitris Panayiotatos and Starring by Benoit Roussel, Arto Apartian, Dimitris Poulikakos, Christine Skaza, Petros Kokosis, Takis Moschos, Nantia Deliyanni which made Lovers Beyond Time (1990) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Lovers Beyond Time (1990)

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