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Never Too Young to Rock (1976)

Movies Detail of Never Too Young to Rock (1976)

✓ Title : Never Too Young to Rock
✓ Release Date : July 1st, 1976
✓ Director : Dennis Abey
✓ Writers : Dennis Abey, Ron Inkpen
✓ Cast : Peter Noone, Sheila Steafel, John Clive, Joe Lynch, Peter Powell, Sally James, Freddie Jones, Peter Denyer, Midge Ure, Mud

Synopsis of Never Too Young to Rock (1976)

In the late 1970s, rock 'n' roll was banned from television. One young man, our hero, led the battle against the TV ban. He searched the country for the biggest rock groups to perform at a concert in support of his cause. But the enemies of rock 'n' roll had other plans... The zany, madcap Never Too Young To Rock was made at the high point of glam rock in 1975. It offers a unique opportunity to experience the driving, feelgood sounds of the era’s top pop combos in their pomp. From the infectious choruses of Mud’s ‘Tiger Feet’ and ‘The Cat Crept In’, through the catchy doo-wop of The Rubettes, to percussive anthems like The Glitter Band’s ‘Angel Face’, this film provides aural nostalgia at its most intense.

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Well, Never Too Young to Rock (1976) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Never Too Young to Rock (1976) itselft directed by Dennis Abey and Starring by Peter Noone, Sheila Steafel, John Clive, Joe Lynch, Peter Powell, Sally James, Freddie Jones, Peter Denyer, Midge Ure, Mud which made Never Too Young to Rock (1976) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Never Too Young to Rock (1976)

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