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The World of Gilbert & George (1981)

Movies Detail of The World of Gilbert & George (1981)

✓ Title : The World of Gilbert & George
✓ Release Date : November 20th, 1981
✓ Runtime : 69 minutes
✓ Directors : George Passmore, Gilbert Prousch
✓ Cast : No Casts Available

Synopsis of The World of Gilbert & George (1981)

Gilbert & George are renowned for presenting themselves as ‘living sculptures,’ fusing their art and identity with the external world. Their exploration of the bleak urban surrounds of 1980’s London, powerfully evoke the desires and tensions of its disillusioned youth alongside their own eccentricities. Poetic narration combines with vivid imagery that moves between the startlingly beautiful, the humorous, and the absurd. Church spires and city streets, youth and drunks, dancing and tea drinking all take on an affecting symbolism when viewed from the unique perspective of Gilbert & George.

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Well, The World of Gilbert & George (1981) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The World of Gilbert & George (1981) itselft directed by George Passmore, Gilbert Prousch and Starring by which made The World of Gilbert & George (1981) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The World of Gilbert & George (1981)

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