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I Know I'll See Your Face Again (2001)

Movies Detail of I Know I'll See Your Face Again (2001)

✓ Title : I Know I'll See Your Face Again
✓ Original Title : Verboden te zuchten
✓ Release Date : February 21st, 2001
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 98 minutes
✓ Director : Alex Stockman
✓ Writer : Alex Stockman
✓ Country : Belgium
✓ Cast : Stefanie Bodien, Josse De Pauw, Senne Rouffaer, Stefan Perceval, Marie Bulte, Jacqueline Bir

Synopsis of I Know I'll See Your Face Again (2001)

Writer Joris (the author's alter-ego) has packed in his job and left his routine. He wanders through Brussels, pretending to be in other places and as far as we can verify lying to everyone. He stays in a dead-beat motel and meets other absurd people, never to any actual end. Will it be different when he meets Luzie and falls in love?

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Well, I Know I'll See Your Face Again (2001) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The I Know I'll See Your Face Again (2001) itselft directed by Alex Stockman and Starring by Stefanie Bodien, Josse De Pauw, Senne Rouffaer, Stefan Perceval, Marie Bulte, Jacqueline Bir which made I Know I'll See Your Face Again (2001) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

I Know I'll See Your Face Again (2001)

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