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The Palace (1980)

Movies Detail of The Palace (1980)

✓ Title : The Palace
✓ Original Title : Palac
✓ Release Date : November 10th, 1980
✓ Runtime : 89 minutes
✓ Director : Tadeusz Junak
✓ Writers : Wiesław Myśliwski, Tadeusz Junak
✓ Cast : Stanisław Frąckowiak, Teresa Budzisz-Krzyżanowska, Bożena Adamek, Dorota Fellman, Adam Fornal

Synopsis of The Palace (1980)

Set in 1944. A shepherd boy enters an abandoned palace he has seen only from the distance since he was a boy. Once he enters the palace, strange things begin to happen as though he was dreaming the events rather than living them.

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Well, The Palace (1980) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Palace (1980) itselft directed by Tadeusz Junak and Starring by Stanisław Frąckowiak, Teresa Budzisz-Krzyżanowska, Bożena Adamek, Dorota Fellman, Adam Fornal which made The Palace (1980) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Palace (1980)

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