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The Second Mother (2015)

Movies Detail of The Second Mother (2015)

✓ Title : The Second Mother
✓ Original Title : Que Horas Ela Volta?
✓ Release Date : February 8th, 2015
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 110 minutes
✓ Directors : Anna Muylaert, Suzy Milstein, Leticia Prisco
✓ Writer : Anna Muylaert
✓ Companies : África Filmes, Gullane Entretenimento
✓ Country : Brazil
✓ Cast : Lourenço Mutarelli, Michel Joelsas, Bete Dorgam, Helena Albergaria, Karine Teles, Camila Márdila, Theo Werneck, Luis Miranda, Luci Pereira, Regina Casé

Synopsis of The Second Mother (2015)

After leaving her daughter Jessica in a small town in Pernambuco to be raised by relatives, Val spends the next 13 years working as a nanny to Fabinho in São Paulo. She has financial stability but has to live with the guilt of having not raised Jessica herself. As Fabinho’s university entrance exams approach, Jessica reappears in her life and seems to want to give her mother a second chance. However, Jessica has not been raised to be a servant and her very existence will turn Val’s routine on its head. With precision and humour, the subtle and powerful forces that keep rigid class structures in place and how the youth may just be the ones to shake it all up.

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Well, The Second Mother (2015) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Second Mother (2015) itselft directed by Anna Muylaert, Suzy Milstein, Leticia Prisco and Starring by Lourenço Mutarelli, Michel Joelsas, Bete Dorgam, Helena Albergaria, Karine Teles, Camila Márdila, Theo Werneck, Luis Miranda, Luci Pereira, Regina Casé which made The Second Mother (2015) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Second Mother (2015)

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