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Erik or the small book of Insects (2004)

Movies Detail of Erik or the small book of Insects (2004)

✓ Title : Erik or the small book of Insects
✓ Original Title : Erik of het klein insectenboek
✓ Release Date : December 9th, 2004
✓ Genres : Adventure, Mystery
✓ Runtime : 97 minutes
✓ Director : Gidi van Liempd
✓ Writers : Gidi van Liempd, Godfried Bomans, Cecilie Levy
✓ Companies : Egmond Film & Television, Tradewind Pictures
✓ Countries : Belgium, Netherlands
✓ Cast : Jörgen Raymann, Anne-Mieke Ruyten, Jasper Oldenhof, Lenette van Dongen, Yale Sackman

Synopsis of Erik or the small book of Insects (2004)

Erik is a Dutch ten year-old schoolboy who is studying insects at school, and gets shown and explained a bit about them by his kind and knowledgeable nature-loving grandfather, whose country estate is a good place to do so and turns out to have a book on insects, which allows Erik to pass for one night, rather like Alice in Wonderland, as a miniature man among thus giant-looking, talking insects, who discuss their and other species and their lives with him, mainly winged ones, such as bee, fly and wasp.

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Well, Erik or the small book of Insects (2004) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Erik or the small book of Insects (2004) itselft directed by Gidi van Liempd and Starring by Jörgen Raymann, Anne-Mieke Ruyten, Jasper Oldenhof, Lenette van Dongen, Yale Sackman which made Erik or the small book of Insects (2004) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Erik or the small book of Insects (2004)

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