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Cadillac Man (1990)

Movies Detail of Cadillac Man (1990)

✓ Title : Cadillac Man
✓ Release Date : May 18th, 1990
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama, Crime
✓ Runtime : 97 minutes
✓ Director : Roger Donaldson
✓ Writer : Ken Friedman
✓ Company : Orion Pictures
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Judith Hoag, Fran Drescher, Annabella Sciorra, Lori Petty, Tim Robbins, Zack Norman, Robin Williams, Lauren Tom, Pamela Reed, Paul Guilfoyle

Synopsis of Cadillac Man (1990)

Joe's a car salesman with a problem—he has two days to sell 12 cars or he loses his job. This would be a difficult task at the best of times but Joe has to contend with his girlfriends (he's two-timing), a missing teenage daughter and an ex-wife.

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Well, Cadillac Man (1990) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Cadillac Man (1990) itselft directed by Roger Donaldson and Starring by Judith Hoag, Fran Drescher, Annabella Sciorra, Lori Petty, Tim Robbins, Zack Norman, Robin Williams, Lauren Tom, Pamela Reed, Paul Guilfoyle which made Cadillac Man (1990) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Cadillac Man (1990)

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