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Crocodile Jones: The Son of Indiana Dundee (1990)

Movies Detail of Crocodile Jones: The Son of Indiana Dundee (1990)

✓ Title : Crocodile Jones: The Son of Indiana Dundee
✓ Release Date : April 10th, 1990
✓ Genres : Comedy, Adventure
✓ Director : Efren Jarlego
✓ Writers : Tony Cruz, Tony Cruz
✓ Companies : M-Zet Productions, Regal Entertainment
✓ Country : Philippines
✓ Cast : Zorayda Sanchez, Evelyn Vargas, Panchito, Berting Labra, Paquito Diaz, Ruben Rustia, Vic Sotto, Maita Soriano, Harvey Vizcarra, Ritchie D'Horsie

Synopsis of Crocodile Jones: The Son of Indiana Dundee (1990)

A 1990 Filipino movie directed by Efren Jarlego.

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Well, Crocodile Jones: The Son of Indiana Dundee (1990) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Crocodile Jones: The Son of Indiana Dundee (1990) itselft directed by Efren Jarlego and Starring by Zorayda Sanchez, Evelyn Vargas, Panchito, Berting Labra, Paquito Diaz, Ruben Rustia, Vic Sotto, Maita Soriano, Harvey Vizcarra, Ritchie D'Horsie which made Crocodile Jones: The Son of Indiana Dundee (1990) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Crocodile Jones: The Son of Indiana Dundee (1990)

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