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Dead Silence (2007)

Movies Detail of Dead Silence (2007)

✓ Title : Dead Silence
✓ Release Date : March 16th, 2007
✓ Genre : Horror
✓ Runtime : 89 minutes
✓ Directors : James Wan, Carol Pears
✓ Writers : James Wan, Leigh Whannell
✓ Companies : Evolution Entertainment, Universal Pictures, Twisted Pictures
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Dmitry Chepovetsky, Joan Heney, Donnie Wahlberg, Amber Valletta, Judith Roberts, Bob Gunton, Michael Fairman, Ryan Kwanten, Steve Adams, Laura Regan

Synopsis of Dead Silence (2007)

Jamie returns to his hometown in search of answers to his wife's murder, which occurred after receiving a weird package containing a ventriloquist dummy named Billy, which may be linked to the legend of ventriloquist Mary Shaw. Destined to find out the truth, Jamie goes to the town of Raven's Fair, where Shaw used to perform and is buried. But Jamie is in for more than he expected.

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Well, Dead Silence (2007) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Dead Silence (2007) itselft directed by James Wan, Carol Pears and Starring by Dmitry Chepovetsky, Joan Heney, Donnie Wahlberg, Amber Valletta, Judith Roberts, Bob Gunton, Michael Fairman, Ryan Kwanten, Steve Adams, Laura Regan which made Dead Silence (2007) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Dead Silence (2007)

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Dead Silence Pelicula Completa Filtrada En Español Latino Online HD - A story with mystical elements that are scientifically explainable, or that combine science fiction elements with fantasy elements. Note that science fiction was once referred to by this name, but that it no longer denotes that genre, and has somewhat fallen out of favor as a genre descriptor.

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Dead Silence Movie Free Reddit - The absurdist genre focuses on the experiences of characters in situations where they cannot find any inherent purpose in life, most often represented by ultimately meaningless actions and events that call into question the certainty of existential concepts such as truth or value.

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