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The Sun Assassinated (2004)

Movies Detail of The Sun Assassinated (2004)

✓ Title : The Sun Assassinated
✓ Original Title : Le Soleil assassiné
✓ Release Date : August 18th, 2004
✓ Runtime : 85 minutes
✓ Director : Abdelkrim Bahloul
✓ Writers : Abdelkrim Bahloul, Charlotte Guigue, Jean-Pierre Péroncel-Hugoz
✓ Cast : Ouassini Embarek, Mehdi Dehbi, Julia Maraval, Charles Berling, Clotilde de Bayser, Abbes Zahmani, Alexis Loret, Lotfi Abdelli

Synopsis of The Sun Assassinated (2004)

The poet Jean Sénac is also a radio presenter. A Pied-noir, he opted to stay in Algeria after the country achieved independence in 1962. Ten years later he is monitored by the police of the present regime. His poems have a large public following and his radio show is a great success, especially with the young. The poet allies himself with two students, aspiring playwrights Hamid and Belkacem, to fight for the freedom and culture of Algerian youth.

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Well, The Sun Assassinated (2004) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Sun Assassinated (2004) itselft directed by Abdelkrim Bahloul and Starring by Ouassini Embarek, Mehdi Dehbi, Julia Maraval, Charles Berling, Clotilde de Bayser, Abbes Zahmani, Alexis Loret, Lotfi Abdelli which made The Sun Assassinated (2004) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Sun Assassinated (2004)

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