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Remembrance of Things Fast: True Stories Visual Lies (1994)

Movies Detail of Remembrance of Things Fast: True Stories Visual Lies (1994)

✓ Title : Remembrance of Things Fast: True Stories Visual Lies
✓ Release Date : May 1st, 1994
✓ Runtime : 59 minutes
✓ Director : John Maybury
✓ Cast : Tilda Swinton, Rupert Everett, Julia Fodo, Aiden Shaw

Synopsis of Remembrance of Things Fast: True Stories Visual Lies (1994)

Remembrance of Things Fast represents the culmination of Maybury's work in video, which has developed alongside the technology itself. Starring Tilda Swinton and Rupert Everett in lead roles, the tape confronts the conventions of world television and satellite broadcast, drawing on the fragmentary nature of the medium and the clich_s of the three minute attention span. At the same time, it replaces bland mainstream images with darker, more satirical observations and studies. The environment is surreal, a virtual reality television land of landscapes and imaginary cities, enhanced by Marvin Black's dark, dense soundtrack. It is a cyberspace where the impossible is all too possible. Within this parallel world, a series of archetypes act, observe and comment, informed by a strong sexual sensibility. '..a mesmerising, sometimes hysterically funny, cinematic bricolage with a strong sexual and mostly gay sensibility'. - Cordelia Swann

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Well, Remembrance of Things Fast: True Stories Visual Lies (1994) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Remembrance of Things Fast: True Stories Visual Lies (1994) itselft directed by John Maybury and Starring by Tilda Swinton, Rupert Everett, Julia Fodo, Aiden Shaw which made Remembrance of Things Fast: True Stories Visual Lies (1994) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Remembrance of Things Fast: True Stories Visual Lies (1994)

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