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The Blonde at the Bar (1987)

Movies Detail of The Blonde at the Bar (1987)

✓ Title : The Blonde at the Bar
✓ Original Title : La rossa del bar
✓ Release Date : April 30th, 1987
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Director : Ventura Pons
✓ Writers : Ventura Pons, Raúl Núñez
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : Pepita Llunell, Mary Santpere, Mercè Gil, Núria Hosta, Enric Majó, Saskya Salisachs, Joan Monleón, Ramoncín, Pepe Martín, Carme Sansa

Synopsis of The Blonde at the Bar (1987)

Mario is dominated by his castrating wife, and is also suffering from writer's block. He goes to a local (very mixed) bar where he meets an exhuberant blonde prostitute, through her room mate, a gay gigolo. With Mario's help, the blonde goes on to better jobs in the world of pornography, involving traveling abroad. This may not seem like good news for Mario, but he may also move on to a better phase in his life as a result.

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Well, The Blonde at the Bar (1987) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Blonde at the Bar (1987) itselft directed by Ventura Pons and Starring by Pepita Llunell, Mary Santpere, Mercè Gil, Núria Hosta, Enric Majó, Saskya Salisachs, Joan Monleón, Ramoncín, Pepe Martín, Carme Sansa which made The Blonde at the Bar (1987) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Blonde at the Bar (1987)

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