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Serious as Pleasure (1975)

Movies Detail of Serious as Pleasure (1975)

✓ Title : Serious as Pleasure
✓ Original Title : Sérieux comme le plaisir
✓ Release Date : January 15th, 1975
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama
✓ Runtime : 96 minutes
✓ Director : Robert Benayoun
✓ Writers : Jean-Claude Carrière, Robert Benayoun
✓ Companies : Paris-Cannes Productions, Dovidis, Office de Radiodiffusion Télévision Française
✓ Country : France
✓ Cast : Richard Leduc, Paul Demange, Martine Kelly, Serge Gainsbourg, Georges Mansart, Jane Birkin, Hubert Deschamps, Raymond Bussières, Marc Dudicourt, Isabelle Huppert

Synopsis of Serious as Pleasure (1975)

"In Serieux comme le plaisir, two men and a woman live quite happily together in a romantic liaison. The woman is probably wealthy anyway, so the trio doesn't worry much about money. One day they decide to take a trip in their beat-up car, managing the whole affair in their own special, insouciant manner. They are followed by a suspicious policeman who thinks there's something fishy about this group..."

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Well, Serious as Pleasure (1975) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Serious as Pleasure (1975) itselft directed by Robert Benayoun and Starring by Richard Leduc, Paul Demange, Martine Kelly, Serge Gainsbourg, Georges Mansart, Jane Birkin, Hubert Deschamps, Raymond Bussières, Marc Dudicourt, Isabelle Huppert which made Serious as Pleasure (1975) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Serious as Pleasure (1975)

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