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I Am Not Lorena (2014)

Movies Detail of I Am Not Lorena (2014)

✓ Title : I Am Not Lorena
✓ Original Title : No soy Lorena
✓ Release Date : September 10th, 2014
✓ Genres : Drama, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 82 minutes
✓ Directors : Ángela Rincón, Isidora Marras, Manuela Piña, Ramiro Zamorano, Millaray Cortés
✓ Writers : Alejandro Fadel, Isidora Marras, Claudia Marie Clemente, Catalina Calcagni
✓ Companies : Forastero, Quijote Films, Carrousel Films
✓ Countries : Argentina, Chile
✓ Cast : Paulina García, Maureen Junott, Matías Oviedo, Lautaro Delgado Tymruk, Maria Ignacia Hojas, Elisa Zulueta, Alejandra Jara, Karla Melo, Gabriela Aguilera, Loreto Aravena

Synopsis of I Am Not Lorena (2014)

A case of mistaken identity becomes a living nightmare when a young actress finds herself relentlessly assailed by debt collectors.

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Well, I Am Not Lorena (2014) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The I Am Not Lorena (2014) itselft directed by Ángela Rincón, Isidora Marras, Manuela Piña, Ramiro Zamorano, Millaray Cortés and Starring by Paulina García, Maureen Junott, Matías Oviedo, Lautaro Delgado Tymruk, Maria Ignacia Hojas, Elisa Zulueta, Alejandra Jara, Karla Melo, Gabriela Aguilera, Loreto Aravena which made I Am Not Lorena (2014) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

I Am Not Lorena (2014)

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