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Waiting for the Messiah (2000)

Movies Detail of Waiting for the Messiah (2000)

✓ Title : Waiting for the Messiah
✓ Original Title : Esperando al Mesías
✓ Release Date : May 25th, 2000
✓ Genres : Drama, Romance
✓ Runtime : 98 minutes
✓ Director : Daniel Burman
✓ Writer : Daniel Burman
✓ Companies : Astrolabio, BD Cine, Classic SRL
✓ Country : Argentina
✓ Cast : Chiara Caselli, Enrique Piñeyro, Héctor Alterio, Gabriela Acher, Melina Petriella, Daniel Hendler, Stefania Sandrelli

Synopsis of Waiting for the Messiah (2000)

In 1999, Argentina's peso craters. Ariel, a young man from Buenos Aires' Jewish community, deals with his mother's fatal illness, finds a job as a night shift surveillance camera monitor, and wonders when he'll discover sex. Santamaria, middle aged, loses his bank job and is dismissed by his wife; he finds stolen wallets in dumpsters to return to their owners. Ariel tells Santamaria's story to a TV reporter who profiles lives on the street. She's Laura, in a relationship with another woman, but perhaps available. Ariel desires Laura, while Santamaria courts Elsa, a washroom attendant who's husband is in prison. Christmas and Hanukkah approach; can anyone connect?

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Well, Waiting for the Messiah (2000) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Waiting for the Messiah (2000) itselft directed by Daniel Burman and Starring by Chiara Caselli, Enrique Piñeyro, Héctor Alterio, Gabriela Acher, Melina Petriella, Daniel Hendler, Stefania Sandrelli which made Waiting for the Messiah (2000) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Waiting for the Messiah (2000)

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