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Blood on the Asphalt (1992)

Movies Detail of Blood on the Asphalt (1992)

✓ Title : Blood on the Asphalt
✓ Original Title : دماء علي الأسفلت
✓ Release Date : February 27th, 1992
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Director : Atef El-Taieb
✓ Writer : Osama Anwar Okasha
✓ Country : Egypt
✓ Cast : Tarek Lotfy, Taghreid El Beshbishy, Magdy Kamel, Marwah El Khatib, Othman Abdul Menem, Hassan Hosny, Nour El-Sherif, Mohamed Abo Dawood, Hanan Shawki, Eman El Tokhy

Synopsis of Blood on the Asphalt (1992)

Abul Hassan is a clerk in the Ministry of Justice who lives with his three sons: Dr. He praises a prestigious center in an international organization abroad. Walaa works in a hotel, but the children are shocked once that their father accused of stealing the file of one of the important issues. He returns to stand beside his innocent father and is surprised that his family has been decomposed. Loyalty has turned into a girl who hugs herself and Ala heroin, trying to identify the reasons that led the family to do so and help his cousin, researcher Siham, whom he had a relationship with love. The doctor begins to recognize the causes of the dissolution of his family one by one, prove the innocence of the father, "Abul Hassan" and commit suicide daughter loyalty and recognizes the son Alaa stealing the file and use heroin to imprisonment.

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Well, Blood on the Asphalt (1992) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Blood on the Asphalt (1992) itselft directed by Atef El-Taieb and Starring by Tarek Lotfy, Taghreid El Beshbishy, Magdy Kamel, Marwah El Khatib, Othman Abdul Menem, Hassan Hosny, Nour El-Sherif, Mohamed Abo Dawood, Hanan Shawki, Eman El Tokhy which made Blood on the Asphalt (1992) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Blood on the Asphalt (1992)

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