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Yellow Rock (2011)

Movies Detail of Yellow Rock (2011)

✓ Title : Yellow Rock
✓ Release Date : November 1st, 2011
✓ Genre : Western
✓ Runtime : 89 minutes
✓ Directors : Nick Vallelonga, Ann M. Doria
✓ Writers : Lenore Andriel, Steve Doucette
✓ Companies : Black Elk Mountan Prods LLC, Enlightenment Films, Vallelonga Productions
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Christopher Backus, Michael Biehn, Brian Gleason, Michael Spears, Eddie Spears, Clay Wilcox, Amy Jennings, James Russo, Peter Sherayko, Lenore Andriel

Synopsis of Yellow Rock (2011)

Five men ride into the eerie town of Yellow Rock, hoping to rescue a family member and his lost boy. The leader, Max Dietrich, hires Mountain Man, Tom Hanner, to guide them into the Black Paw Tribe territory for the search.

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Well, Yellow Rock (2011) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Yellow Rock (2011) itselft directed by Nick Vallelonga, Ann M. Doria and Starring by Christopher Backus, Michael Biehn, Brian Gleason, Michael Spears, Eddie Spears, Clay Wilcox, Amy Jennings, James Russo, Peter Sherayko, Lenore Andriel which made Yellow Rock (2011) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Yellow Rock (2011)

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