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Fifi Martingale (2001)

Movies Detail of Fifi Martingale (2001)

✓ Title : Fifi Martingale
✓ Release Date : September 5th, 2001
✓ Runtime : 127 minutes
✓ Director : Jacques Rozier
✓ Writers : Jacques Rozier, Lydia Feld
✓ Cast : Jean Lefebvre, Lydia Feld

Synopsis of Fifi Martingale (2001)

The stage director of the play L’œuf de Pâquesis given the importante Molière award. Taking this reward for a bad joke, he thinks that a conspiracy mounts against him and decides to rewrite the play, transforming it into Molière’s La critique de l’École des femmes.

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Well, Fifi Martingale (2001) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Fifi Martingale (2001) itselft directed by Jacques Rozier and Starring by Jean Lefebvre, Lydia Feld which made Fifi Martingale (2001) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Fifi Martingale (2001)

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