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Movies Detail of FATHER OF FOUR AND THE VIKINGS (2020)

✓ Original Title : Far til fire og Vikingerne
✓ Release Date : October 1st, 2020
✓ Runtime : 85 minutes
✓ Director : Martin Miehe-Renard
✓ Writers : Martin Miehe-Renard, Gitte Løkkegaard
✓ Company : ASA Film Production
✓ Country : Denmark
✓ Cast : Arthur Hjelmsø, Martin Brygmann, Thomas Bo Larsen, Elton Rokahaim Møller, Coco Hjardemaal, Anders Lund Madsen, Laura Lavigne Bie-Olsen


The normally so closely united family is having a crisis. Mie and Ole can no longer stand sharing a room, big sister Sis is tired of acting as the family's spare mother, and Father does not have the usual surplus to tackle Uncle Anders' peculiar behavior. Leaving Tiny Per, alone and sad about it all. Uncle Anders therefore enrolls the family to stay at a family therapy center, where they must live as Vikings for a week

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Well, FATHER OF FOUR AND THE VIKINGS (2020) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The FATHER OF FOUR AND THE VIKINGS (2020) itselft directed by Martin Miehe-Renard and Starring by Arthur Hjelmsø, Martin Brygmann, Thomas Bo Larsen, Elton Rokahaim Møller, Coco Hjardemaal, Anders Lund Madsen, Laura Lavigne Bie-Olsen which made FATHER OF FOUR AND THE VIKINGS (2020) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.


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