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Barrymore's Dream (1970)

Movies Detail of Barrymore's Dream (1970)

✓ Title : Barrymore's Dream
✓ Release Date : Unknown
✓ Cast : No Casts Available

Synopsis of Barrymore's Dream (1970)

Michael Barrymore's life changes dramatically when he stops to help the rich and beautiful Angela Thomas. Daddy's little girl has a past that catches up with her, including her psychotic ex-husband who has been on trial for murder. Michael begins to see many disturbing visions with his unperfected power of astral projection during his dream state. He is on a mission to change the future and save Angel from her destiny as he uncovers the meaning to his visions. What follows is a twisted complication of events that lead to a shocking and surprising conclusion.

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Barrymore's Dream (1970)

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