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Poor White Trash (2000)

Movies Detail of Poor White Trash (2000)

✓ Title : Poor White Trash
✓ Release Date : June 16th, 2000
✓ Genres : Crime, Comedy
✓ Runtime : 85 minutes
✓ Director : Michael Addis
✓ Writers : Michael Addis, Michael Addis, Tony Urban
✓ Company : Kingsize Entertainment
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Danielle Harris, Jason London, Jaime Pressly, Richard Livingston, M. Emmet Walsh, Sean Young, Kerri Randles, William Devane, Jacob Tierney, Tony Denman

Synopsis of Poor White Trash (2000)

Mike and Lenny are two buddies who dream of getting out of the trailer park. Out of desperation they resort to burglary as a means of financing Mike's college education. Their dream is jeopardized one summer day when their ploy to shoplift Near Beer begins a crime spree and a series of mishaps during which they are threatened with jail.

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Well, Poor White Trash (2000) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Poor White Trash (2000) itselft directed by Michael Addis and Starring by Danielle Harris, Jason London, Jaime Pressly, Richard Livingston, M. Emmet Walsh, Sean Young, Kerri Randles, William Devane, Jacob Tierney, Tony Denman which made Poor White Trash (2000) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Poor White Trash (2000)

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