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Broken Silence (2001)

Movies Detail of Broken Silence (2001)

✓ Title : Broken Silence
✓ Original Title : Silencio roto
✓ Release Date : April 27th, 2001
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 110 minutes
✓ Director : Montxo Armendáriz
✓ Writer : Montxo Armendáriz
✓ Company : Oria Films S.L.
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : Rubén Ochandiano, María Botto, Lucía Jiménez, María Vázquez, Álvaro de Luna, Juan Diego Botto, Mercedes Sampietro

Synopsis of Broken Silence (2001)

Winter, 1944. Lucía at 21 returns to her small village in the mountains. She again meets Manuel, a young iron-smith who helps "those in the mountain", the "maquis", the anti-Franco resistance. Lucía is attracted to Manual, because of his smile and the bravery of those men who continue fighting for their ideas, even at the cost of their own lives. When Manuel is pursued (by Franco's Civil Guard) he flees to the mountain and Lucía discovers the reality of political repression, the silence, the horror and fear.

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Well, Broken Silence (2001) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Broken Silence (2001) itselft directed by Montxo Armendáriz and Starring by Rubén Ochandiano, María Botto, Lucía Jiménez, María Vázquez, Álvaro de Luna, Juan Diego Botto, Mercedes Sampietro which made Broken Silence (2001) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Broken Silence (2001)

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