Movies Detail of Summer Clouds (2004)
✓ Title : Summer Clouds
✓ Original Title : Nubes de verano
✓ Release Date : April 30th, 2004
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 100 minutes
✓ Director : Felipe Vega
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : Roberto Enríquez, Kai Puig, Natalia Millán, Kevin Almodóvar, David Selvas, Xabier Ruano, Ramon Godino, Irene Montalà, Roger Casamajor, Joan Raja
✓ Original Title : Nubes de verano
✓ Release Date : April 30th, 2004
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 100 minutes
✓ Director : Felipe Vega
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : Roberto Enríquez, Kai Puig, Natalia Millán, Kevin Almodóvar, David Selvas, Xabier Ruano, Ramon Godino, Irene Montalà, Roger Casamajor, Joan Raja
Synopsis of Summer Clouds (2004)
Daniel, Ana, and their little boy, Manuel travel from Madrid to a resort on the Costa Brava for the summer. Ana runs into Marta, a local shopgirl whom she's met on previous visits. Marta introduces Ana to her cousin, Robert, who runs an antique shop. Robert is immediately attracted to Ana. Marta tells him that Ana is happily married, and confesses that she has a crush on Ana's husband, Daniel. Robert, intrigued, makes a pact with Marta. Robert will help Marta seduce Daniel if she will help Robert seduce Ana. One night, the cousins cunningly arrange to separate the couple, and some serious flirtation ensues. While Marta, casually dates a local surfer, Tomás, begins to have second thoughts, Robert grows more obsessed with the couple. He befriends Daniel and peppers him with questions about the strength of his nine-year marriage.
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Well, Summer Clouds (2004) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Summer Clouds (2004) itselft directed by Felipe Vega and Starring by Roberto Enríquez, Kai Puig, Natalia Millán, Kevin Almodóvar, David Selvas, Xabier Ruano, Ramon Godino, Irene Montalà, Roger Casamajor, Joan Raja which made Summer Clouds (2004) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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