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Excuse Me (2012)

Movies Detail of Excuse Me (2012)

✓ Title : Excuse Me
✓ Original Title : Undskyld jeg forstyrrer
✓ Release Date : January 5th, 2012
✓ Genres : Drama, Comedy
✓ Runtime : 87 minutes
✓ Director : Henrik Ruben Genz
✓ Writers : Henrik Ruben Genz, Erling Jepsen, Maja Jul Larsen
✓ Company : Fine & Mellow Productions
✓ Country : Denmark
✓ Cast : Peter Hesse Overgaard, Nicolas Bro, Lotte Andersen, Stine Stengade, Søren Østergaard, Niels Frederiksen, Maj Kierkensgaard, Peter Gantzler, Lars Thiesgaard, Sara Hjort Ditlevsen

Synopsis of Excuse Me (2012)

A story about the beautiful but confused young woman Helene, who, according to her mother, was born as a 'technical error'. Helene suspects that her father, who left his family before Helene was born, might be the once celebrated director of a dilapidated theater in Copenhagen. Assisted by a series of bizarre coincidences and by her mother's dog (a creature in whose shadow Helene has always lived), Helene manages to get closer to her father.

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Well, Excuse Me (2012) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Excuse Me (2012) itselft directed by Henrik Ruben Genz and Starring by Peter Hesse Overgaard, Nicolas Bro, Lotte Andersen, Stine Stengade, Søren Østergaard, Niels Frederiksen, Maj Kierkensgaard, Peter Gantzler, Lars Thiesgaard, Sara Hjort Ditlevsen which made Excuse Me (2012) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Excuse Me (2012)

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