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A Fold in My Blanket (2013)

Movies Detail of A Fold in My Blanket (2013)

✓ Title : A Fold in My Blanket
✓ Original Title : ჩემი საბნის ნაკეცი
✓ Release Date : February 7th, 2013
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 73 minutes
✓ Director : Zaza Rusadze
✓ Writer : Zaza Rusadze
✓ Company : Zazarfilm
✓ Country : Georgia
✓ Cast : Zura Kipshidze, Marina Janashia, Maka Makharadze, Giorgi Nakashidze, Lyudmila Artemeva, Avtandil Makharadze, Tornike Bziava, Tornike Gogrichiani

Synopsis of A Fold in My Blanket (2013)

Dmitrij has recently returned to his small Georgian hometown after graduating from a university abroad. His monotonous days drag on, between working and the solitary rock-climbing excursions.

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Well, A Fold in My Blanket (2013) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The A Fold in My Blanket (2013) itselft directed by Zaza Rusadze and Starring by Zura Kipshidze, Marina Janashia, Maka Makharadze, Giorgi Nakashidze, Lyudmila Artemeva, Avtandil Makharadze, Tornike Bziava, Tornike Gogrichiani which made A Fold in My Blanket (2013) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

A Fold in My Blanket (2013)

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