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o kyr giorgis ekpaideyetai (1977)

Movies Detail of o kyr giorgis ekpaideyetai (1977)

✓ Title : o kyr giorgis ekpaideyetai
✓ Original Title : Ο Κυρ-Γιώργης Εκπαιδεύεται
✓ Release Date : September 8th, 1977
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama
✓ Directors : Giannis Dalianidis, Dimitris Dimogerontakis
✓ Writer : Giannis Dalianidis
✓ Company : Finos Film
✓ Country : Greece
✓ Cast : Dionysis Papagiannopoulos, Lefteris Vournas, Kaiti Ibrohori, Giorgos Grigoriou, Louiza Podimata, Tonia Kaziani, Nikos Dadinopoulos, Rafael Denogias, Stavros Farmakis

Synopsis of o kyr giorgis ekpaideyetai (1977)

A tavern in Piraeus, Kyr Giorgis Adhesive (Dionysis Papagiannopoulos) has sent his son John in Europe, where he turns educated. He marries a woman of high society, the Riris Kalantzi, elected MP. It is absorbed rapidly from the social environment of the mother-in which is told that his father is owner. Kyr Giorgis should eventually appear in the salons. Man folk as they have to go through special training to suit the new environment. Very quickly, however, the student becomes a teacher of high society and gives lessons of honesty and fairness in the pretentious and sometimes scammers bourgeois, whose grandparents were sailing folk jobber.

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Well, o kyr giorgis ekpaideyetai (1977) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The o kyr giorgis ekpaideyetai (1977) itselft directed by Giannis Dalianidis, Dimitris Dimogerontakis and Starring by Dionysis Papagiannopoulos, Lefteris Vournas, Kaiti Ibrohori, Giorgos Grigoriou, Louiza Podimata, Tonia Kaziani, Nikos Dadinopoulos, Rafael Denogias, Stavros Farmakis which made o kyr giorgis ekpaideyetai (1977) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

o kyr giorgis ekpaideyetai (1977)

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