Movies Detail of Wounded (2013)
✓ Title : Wounded
✓ Original Title : La herida
✓ Release Date : October 4th, 2013
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 98 minutes
✓ Director : Fernando Franco
✓ Writers : Fernando Franco, Enric Rufas
✓ Companies : Kowalski Films, Elamedia Estudios, Pantalla Partida
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : Nagore Aranburu, Ramón Agirre, Luis Callejo, Patricia López, Ramón Barea, Andrés Gertrúdix, Manolo Solo, Marian Álvarez, Rosana Pastor, Elena Arranz Martínez
✓ Original Title : La herida
✓ Release Date : October 4th, 2013
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 98 minutes
✓ Director : Fernando Franco
✓ Writers : Fernando Franco, Enric Rufas
✓ Companies : Kowalski Films, Elamedia Estudios, Pantalla Partida
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : Nagore Aranburu, Ramón Agirre, Luis Callejo, Patricia López, Ramón Barea, Andrés Gertrúdix, Manolo Solo, Marian Álvarez, Rosana Pastor, Elena Arranz Martínez
Synopsis of Wounded (2013)
The first work from Fernando Franco revolves around Ana, a 30 year old ambulance driver. Though good at her job, Ana has problems relating in her personal life. She doesn't know it, but she suffers from a condition known by psychiatrists as Borderline Personality Disorder. The situation pushes her to outbreaks of self-destructive behaviour, alcohol abuse and self-harm. Ana is incapable of getting what she wants most: to be happy.
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Well, Wounded (2013) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Wounded (2013) itselft directed by Fernando Franco and Starring by Nagore Aranburu, Ramón Agirre, Luis Callejo, Patricia López, Ramón Barea, Andrés Gertrúdix, Manolo Solo, Marian Álvarez, Rosana Pastor, Elena Arranz Martínez which made Wounded (2013) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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