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My Life on Planet B (2012)

Movies Detail of My Life on Planet B (2012)

✓ Title : My Life on Planet B
✓ Release Date : September 27th, 2012
✓ Runtime : 76 minutes
✓ Director : Iván López Núñez
✓ Writers : Iván López Núñez, Rogier de Blok
✓ Cast : Rik Wezenberg, Lindsay Zwaan, Alix Adams, Serge Price, Ceylan Can

Synopsis of My Life on Planet B (2012)

Neky and Eppo are best friends. They spend their time the best way they know -- watching B-movies and commenting on them for their video blog: Eppo en Neky's Cultcorner. But life as a teenager is far from easy. Especially for Neky, his mother spends most days lying on the couch, his sister is a pain in the ass and his father has just found himself a new Thai girlfriend. Not to mention the fact that Eppo is a magnet at attracting bullies at school. But that’s only the beginning -- Neky's life changes drastically once he starts receiving mysterious messages in a bottle, a bunch of Gothic-Punks arrives in the neighborhood, and Eppo becomes obsessively fascinated with a new B-movie, "Escape from the planet of worms"...

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Well, My Life on Planet B (2012) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The My Life on Planet B (2012) itselft directed by Iván López Núñez and Starring by Rik Wezenberg, Lindsay Zwaan, Alix Adams, Serge Price, Ceylan Can which made My Life on Planet B (2012) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

My Life on Planet B (2012)

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