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Sea of Roses (1978)

Movies Detail of Sea of Roses (1978)

✓ Title : Sea of Roses
✓ Original Title : Mar de Rosas
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1978
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 99 minutes
✓ Director : Ana Carolina
✓ Writer : Ana Carolina
✓ Company : Crystal Cinematográfica
✓ Country : Brazil
✓ Cast : Ary Fontoura, Norma Bengell, Cristina Pereira, Maria Silvia, Myrian Muniz, Hugo Carvana, Otávio Augusto

Synopsis of Sea of Roses (1978)

A woman runs away in the company of her daughter, the ultimate brat, in a journey full of bizarre events.

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Well, Sea of Roses (1978) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Sea of Roses (1978) itselft directed by Ana Carolina and Starring by Ary Fontoura, Norma Bengell, Cristina Pereira, Maria Silvia, Myrian Muniz, Hugo Carvana, Otávio Augusto which made Sea of Roses (1978) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Sea of Roses (1978)

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