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Bayonet (2018)

Movies Detail of Bayonet (2018)

✓ Title : Bayonet
✓ Original Title : Bayoneta
✓ Release Date : November 9th, 2018
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 101 minutes
✓ Directors : Kyzza Terrazas, Nadia Ayala Tabachnik
✓ Writers : Kyzza Terrazas, Rodrigo Marquez-Tizano
✓ Companies : Woo Films, Matila Röhr Productions (MRP), Panorama Global
✓ Countries : Finland, Mexico
✓ Cast : Laura Birn, Luis Gerardo Méndez, Joonas Saartamo, Ilkka Koivula, Brontis Jodorowsky, Ville Virtanen

Synopsis of Bayonet (2018)

Miguel “Bayoneta” Galíndez is a retired boxer from Tijuana who finds himself living in a cramped flat in Finland. As his future begins to look up, a desire for redemption draws him back into the ring.

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Well, Bayonet (2018) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Bayonet (2018) itselft directed by Kyzza Terrazas, Nadia Ayala Tabachnik and Starring by Laura Birn, Luis Gerardo Méndez, Joonas Saartamo, Ilkka Koivula, Brontis Jodorowsky, Ville Virtanen which made Bayonet (2018) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Bayonet (2018)

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