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The Traitor (2019)

Movies Detail of The Traitor (2019)

✓ Title : The Traitor
✓ Original Title : Il traditore
✓ Release Date : May 23rd, 2019
✓ Genres : Drama, Crime, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 151 minutes
✓ Directors : Marco Bellocchio, Alberto Mangiante, Anna Belluccio, Anna Elisabetta Conti
✓ Writers : Francesco Piccolo, Marco Bellocchio, Marco Bellocchio, Ludovica Rampoldi, Valia Santella, Francesco La Licata
✓ Companies : IBC MOvie, Kavac Films, Rai Cinema, The Match Factory, ARTE, Gullane Entretenimento, ARTE France Cinéma, ZDF/Arte, Canal+, Ciné+, Ad Vitam Production
✓ Countries : Brazil, France, Germany, Italy
✓ Cast : Maria Fernanda Cândido, Vincenzo Pirrotta, Rosario Palazzolo, Luigi Lo Cascio, Fabrizio Ferracane, Nicola Calì, Fausto Russo Alesi, Giovanni Calcagno, Bruno Cariello, Pierfrancesco Favino

Synopsis of The Traitor (2019)

Palermo, Sicily, 1980. Mafia member Tommaso Buscetta decides to move to Brazil with his family fleeing the constant war between the different clans of the criminal organization. But when, after living several misfortunes, he is forced to return to Italy, he makes a bold decision that will change his life and the destiny of Cosa Nostra forever.

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Well, The Traitor (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Traitor (2019) itselft directed by Marco Bellocchio, Alberto Mangiante, Anna Belluccio, Anna Elisabetta Conti and Starring by Maria Fernanda Cândido, Vincenzo Pirrotta, Rosario Palazzolo, Luigi Lo Cascio, Fabrizio Ferracane, Nicola Calì, Fausto Russo Alesi, Giovanni Calcagno, Bruno Cariello, Pierfrancesco Favino which made The Traitor (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Traitor (2019)

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