Movies Detail of Kokoda (2006)
✓ Title : Kokoda
✓ Release Date : April 25th, 2006
✓ Genres : Action, Drama, History
✓ Runtime : 92 minutes
✓ Director : Alister Grierson
✓ Writers : Alister Grierson, John Lonie
✓ Companies : Australian Film Finance Corporation, GFN Productions, Pacific Film and Television Commission
✓ Country : Australia
✓ Cast : Simon Stone, Tom Budge, Jack Finsterer, Christopher James Baker, Angus Sampson, Travis McMahon, Steve Le Marquand, Luke Ford, Ben Barrack, Ewen Leslie
✓ Release Date : April 25th, 2006
✓ Genres : Action, Drama, History
✓ Runtime : 92 minutes
✓ Director : Alister Grierson
✓ Writers : Alister Grierson, John Lonie
✓ Companies : Australian Film Finance Corporation, GFN Productions, Pacific Film and Television Commission
✓ Country : Australia
✓ Cast : Simon Stone, Tom Budge, Jack Finsterer, Christopher James Baker, Angus Sampson, Travis McMahon, Steve Le Marquand, Luke Ford, Ben Barrack, Ewen Leslie
Synopsis of Kokoda (2006)
A bitter battle is fought between Australian and Japanese soldiers along the Kokoda trail in New Guinea during World War II.
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Well, Kokoda (2006) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Kokoda (2006) itselft directed by Alister Grierson and Starring by Simon Stone, Tom Budge, Jack Finsterer, Christopher James Baker, Angus Sampson, Travis McMahon, Steve Le Marquand, Luke Ford, Ben Barrack, Ewen Leslie which made Kokoda (2006) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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