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Oranges and Sunshine (2010)

Movies Detail of Oranges and Sunshine (2010)

✓ Title : Oranges and Sunshine
✓ Release Date : October 8th, 2010
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 100 minutes
✓ Directors : Jim Loach, Jo Beckett
✓ Writers : Rona Munro, Margaret Humphreys
✓ Companies : Sixteen Films, See-Saw Films
✓ Countries : United Kingdom, Australia
✓ Cast : Molly Windsor, Hugo Weaving, Aisling Loftus, David Wenham, Lorraine Ashbourne, Tara Morice, Richard Dillane, Kate Rutter, Stuart Wolfenden, Emily Watson

Synopsis of Oranges and Sunshine (2010)

The story of Margaret Humphreys, a social worker from Nottingham, who uncovers one of the most significant social scandals in recent times – the forced migration of children from the United Kingdom. Almost singlehandedly, Margaret reunited thousands of families, brought authorities to account and worldwide attention to an extraordinary miscarriage of justice.

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Well, Oranges and Sunshine (2010) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Oranges and Sunshine (2010) itselft directed by Jim Loach, Jo Beckett and Starring by Molly Windsor, Hugo Weaving, Aisling Loftus, David Wenham, Lorraine Ashbourne, Tara Morice, Richard Dillane, Kate Rutter, Stuart Wolfenden, Emily Watson which made Oranges and Sunshine (2010) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Oranges and Sunshine (2010)

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