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Lucifer Sensommer - gult og sort (1990)

Movies Detail of Lucifer Sensommer - gult og sort (1990)

✓ Title : Lucifer Sensommer - gult og sort
✓ Release Date : November 18th, 1990
✓ Director : Roar Skolmen
✓ Writer : Roar Skolmen
✓ Cast : Björn Andrésen, Anniken Krogstad, Astrid Folstad

Synopsis of Lucifer Sensommer - gult og sort (1990)

Lucifer Sensommer Gult og Sort is a Norwegian drama film from 1990 with Björn Andrésen and Annie Krogstad in the lead roles. Directed and screenplay is by Roar Skolmen . Set in late summer along the southern Norwegian coast . A blond Swede goes ashore from a small boat , and joins a handsome Norwegian teenage girl, very young and alluring . The Swede will eventually skip all common sense because of her erotic games . Lucifer was consistently met with bad reviews . VG reviewer slaughtered film and gave the dice one stating " Lucifer Sensommer Gult og Sort is a horrible film . Freezing humorless , ridiculous and pretentious , pompous slimy , kitsch far above the breaking point. A palpable and malignant pedophile tendency does that in addition becomes incredibly angry . "

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Well, Lucifer Sensommer - gult og sort (1990) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Lucifer Sensommer - gult og sort (1990) itselft directed by Roar Skolmen and Starring by Björn Andrésen, Anniken Krogstad, Astrid Folstad which made Lucifer Sensommer - gult og sort (1990) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Lucifer Sensommer - gult og sort (1990)

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