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Banana Cop (1984)

Movies Detail of Banana Cop (1984)

✓ Title : Banana Cop
✓ Original Title : 英倫琵琶
✓ Release Date : April 19th, 1984
✓ Runtime : 96 minutes
✓ Director : Po-Chih Leong
✓ Writer : Calvin Poon
✓ Company : Cinema City & Films Co.
✓ Country : Hong Kong
✓ Cast : Lo Kin, Wa Suk, Calvin Poon, Teddy Robin, Cherie Chung, George Lam, Billy Lau, Angie Chen, Raymond Fung

Synopsis of Banana Cop (1984)

Two owners of a gambling club in London’s Chinatown are killed by an unknown killer. Edward (Lam), a policeman of heads the investigation. He arrives in Hong Kong to enlist the help of a prison convict, FM (Teddy Robin), who is a former friend of the two dead men. On their return to London, FM is hunting down by the killer. FM manages to take refuge in the home of a blind girl, Amy (Chung Chor Hung). FM and Edward suspect Robert, a junior partner in the gambling club, as the brains behind the killings. They follow Robert who carries pei-pa to a strip-tease club. In the ensuing fight inside the punk livotheque, Robert is killed, but not before FM has managed to snatch away the pei-pa box which is full of money. FM runs away with the money to Amy’s home. Amy helps FM in his struggle with the killer. Edward arrives at the last moment but the killer escapes to an underground station where he is eventually killed......

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Well, Banana Cop (1984) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Banana Cop (1984) itselft directed by Po-Chih Leong and Starring by Lo Kin, Wa Suk, Calvin Poon, Teddy Robin, Cherie Chung, George Lam, Billy Lau, Angie Chen, Raymond Fung which made Banana Cop (1984) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Banana Cop (1984)

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