Movies Detail of Suits on the Loose (2005)
✓ Title : Suits on the Loose
✓ Release Date : October 14th, 2005
✓ Genres : Comedy, Family
✓ Runtime : 94 minutes
✓ Director : Rodney Henson
✓ Writer : Rodney Henson
✓ Companies : New Harmony Pictures, Halestorm Entertainment
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Shaun Weiss, Reginald VelJohnson, Robert Prosky, Charles Napier, Allison Lange, Fred Dryer, Ty Hodges, Alex Feldman, Jason Winer, Brandon Beemer
✓ Release Date : October 14th, 2005
✓ Genres : Comedy, Family
✓ Runtime : 94 minutes
✓ Director : Rodney Henson
✓ Writer : Rodney Henson
✓ Companies : New Harmony Pictures, Halestorm Entertainment
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Shaun Weiss, Reginald VelJohnson, Robert Prosky, Charles Napier, Allison Lange, Fred Dryer, Ty Hodges, Alex Feldman, Jason Winer, Brandon Beemer
Synopsis of Suits on the Loose (2005)
Suits on the Loose is the story of two rebellious teens, Justin and Ty, and their breakout from a desert survival camp. When two naive Mormon missionaries, Elder Talbot and Elder Johnson, run into a restroom at a remote rest stop, Justin steals their car. Scrapping their military fatigues for the conservative missionaries' tags in hopes of passing through any road blocks, their guise is so good that the police insist upon escorting the escapees directly to New Harmony, the town that's been anxiously awaiting their Mormon missionaries. As the two renegades find themselves embraced by the town's hospitality, they try to map out their escape. With Elder Talbot and Elder Johnson destined to arrive, what will happen when the town of New Harmony discovers that their missionaries are actually on the lam from the law? Can they keep up the charade and fool everyone around them or will they be found out? Written by HaleStorm Entertainment
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Well, Suits on the Loose (2005) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Suits on the Loose (2005) itselft directed by Rodney Henson and Starring by Shaun Weiss, Reginald VelJohnson, Robert Prosky, Charles Napier, Allison Lange, Fred Dryer, Ty Hodges, Alex Feldman, Jason Winer, Brandon Beemer which made Suits on the Loose (2005) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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