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Tanguy, le retour (2019)

Movies Detail of Tanguy, le retour (2019)

✓ Title : Tanguy, le retour
✓ Release Date : April 10th, 2019
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Directors : Étienne Chatiliez, Denis Berghone
✓ Writers : Étienne Chatiliez, Laurent Chouchan
✓ Companies : SND, Nac Films, M6 Films
✓ Country : France
✓ Cast : Nicolas Tang, Olivier Claverie, André Dussollier, Weiting Chao, Frédérique Tirmont, Emilie Yili Kang, Jean-Marie Fonbonne, Domitille Bioret, Éric Berger, Sabine Azéma

Synopsis of Tanguy, le retour (2019)

16 years later, Tanguy, now 44, returns to his parents' house with his daughter Zhu under his arm because Meï Lin left him. Disappointed to see their "little one" in this state, Paul and Edith do everything to give him a taste for life, without realizing that by doing so, they braid the rope to hang themselves. Because Tanguy is starting to feel good with his parents.

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Well, Tanguy, le retour (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Tanguy, le retour (2019) itselft directed by Étienne Chatiliez, Denis Berghone and Starring by Nicolas Tang, Olivier Claverie, André Dussollier, Weiting Chao, Frédérique Tirmont, Emilie Yili Kang, Jean-Marie Fonbonne, Domitille Bioret, Éric Berger, Sabine Azéma which made Tanguy, le retour (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Tanguy, le retour (2019)

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