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Urban & the Shed Crew (2015)

Movies Detail of Urban & the Shed Crew (2015)

✓ Title : Urban & the Shed Crew
✓ Release Date : November 7th, 2015
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 112 minutes
✓ Director : Candida Brady
✓ Cast : Olivia Tomlinson, Fraser Kelly, Jonathan Payne, Neil Morrissey, Liam Ainsworth, Richard Armitage, Charlie Heaton, Kathryn Drysdale, Anna Friel, Olivia Downie Hullah

Synopsis of Urban & the Shed Crew (2015)

A hard living, disillusioned, ex social worker becomes the unlikely savior to an anarchic gang of joy-riding, drug taking, thieving, out of control, care home runaway kids.

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Well, Urban & the Shed Crew (2015) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Urban & the Shed Crew (2015) itselft directed by Candida Brady and Starring by Olivia Tomlinson, Fraser Kelly, Jonathan Payne, Neil Morrissey, Liam Ainsworth, Richard Armitage, Charlie Heaton, Kathryn Drysdale, Anna Friel, Olivia Downie Hullah which made Urban & the Shed Crew (2015) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Urban & the Shed Crew (2015)

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