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Alois Nebel (2011)

Movies Detail of Alois Nebel (2011)

✓ Title : Alois Nebel
✓ Release Date : September 4th, 2011
✓ Genres : Animation, Drama
✓ Runtime : 84 minutes
✓ Director : Tomáš Luňák
✓ Company : Universal Production Partners
✓ Countries : Czech Republic, Germany
✓ Cast : Alois Švehlík, Tereza Ramba, Marek Daniel, Marie Ludvíková, Ondřej Malý, Ján Sedal, Miroslav Krobot, David Švehlík, Leoš Noha, Karel Roden

Synopsis of Alois Nebel (2011)

A train dispatcher encounters a mute stranger who appears out of nowhere, and finds himself mysteriously involved with a murder in Poland. The end of the eighties in the twentieth century. Alois Nebel works as a dis­patcher at the small railway station in Bílý Potok, a remote village on the Czech–Polish border. He's a loner, who prefers old timetables to people, and he finds the loneliness of the station tranquil – except when the fog rolls in. Then he hallucinates, sees trains from the last hundred years pass through the station. They bring ghosts and shadows from the dark past of Central Eu­rope. Alois can’t get rid of these nightmares and eventually ends up in sanatorium. In the sanatorium, he gets to know The Mute, a man carrying an old photograph who was arrested by the police after crossing the border. No one knows why he came to Bílý Potok or who he’s looking for, but it is his past that propels Alois on his journey…

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Well, Alois Nebel (2011) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Alois Nebel (2011) itselft directed by Tomáš Luňák and Starring by Alois Švehlík, Tereza Ramba, Marek Daniel, Marie Ludvíková, Ondřej Malý, Ján Sedal, Miroslav Krobot, David Švehlík, Leoš Noha, Karel Roden which made Alois Nebel (2011) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Alois Nebel (2011)

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