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Spymate (2006)

Movies Detail of Spymate (2006)

✓ Title : Spymate
✓ Release Date : February 24th, 2006
✓ Genres : Adventure, Comedy
✓ Runtime : 81 minutes
✓ Director : Robert Vince
✓ Writers : Robert Vince, Anna McRoberts, Anna McRoberts, Anne Vince, Ed McRoberts
✓ Companies : SpyChimp Productions, Keystone Family Pictures, Téléfilm Canada
✓ Country : Canada
✓ Cast : Musetta Vander, Emma Roberts, Louie, Barry Bostwick, Richard Kind, Phil Hanley, Chris Potter, Michael Bailey Smith, Debra Jo Rupp, Pat Morita

Synopsis of Spymate (2006)

Amelia, a young genius and daughter of a top secret agent, unknowingly invents a contraption that makes her the target of an evil scientist.

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Well, Spymate (2006) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Spymate (2006) itselft directed by Robert Vince and Starring by Musetta Vander, Emma Roberts, Louie, Barry Bostwick, Richard Kind, Phil Hanley, Chris Potter, Michael Bailey Smith, Debra Jo Rupp, Pat Morita which made Spymate (2006) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Spymate (2006)

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